It began with two degenerate friends who grew apart due to the story of life and re-kindled many years later over a shared passion for art. The two went on to co-found several ventures together, but always came back to what brought them together, art. In particular, their childhood sketches they called scroobles. One being a developer and the other a marketer, but both fascinated with crypto and NFT’s in all capacities.

As two who have never quite ‘grown up’ and continue scroobling to this day, the duo felt the space needed to be sent back to every artists’ roots. “You remember those heinous characters we drew on our assignments in 6th period algebra?” (Hahaha I’m sure we all do). From that moment forward, the mission became crystal clear. Scroobles. NFT’s that felt good. One’s that anyone and their grandma would use as a profile picture on MySpace or

For this project to be a success, the tag team duo knew they needed to expand their team and give power to everyone involved. The inspiration of people across the world and their childhood scroobles. Everyone’s voice needed to be heard. Especially the voices of women (we always wondered what they were scroobling).

We mapped the project out for months on end. We knew there was no choice but for this project to succeed. We monitored and analyzed thousands of projects over this period of time. We joined their discords to hear what the people had to say about each one. We knew right away, this could not just be some copy and paste project. All traits needed to be hand drawn and have inspiration from the entire team's childhood scroobles.